- 2014 Ride Schedule
May 03: Carbon River Entrance to Mt. Rainier (Orting à South Prairie à Wilkeson à Carbonado à Carbon River Entrance à back) (~58 miles round trip)
May 24: Alder Lake Loop with “The Climb” option (Orting à Eatonville à Alder Lake à back)(~55 miles round trip; with “The Climb” option added ~65 miles)
~May 31: Chinook Pass “Snow” Ride (Turnoff to Crystal Mountain à Cayuse Pass à Chinook Pass à down other side of Chinook Pass à back up Chinook Pass à down to Cayuse Pass à back to cars)(~40-50 miles)(we do this when the road is first opened over Chinook Pass; can be cold, lots of snow (not on road); really beautiful) ** Date determined by date road first plowed and open **
June 14: Skate Creek Loop (near Ashford à Nisqually Entrance to Mt Rainier à Paradise à Box Canyon à Backbone Ridge à Ohanapecosh à Packwood à Skate Creek Road à back to where we started near Ashford)(~80 miles)
July 5: Triple-By-Pass (reverse) (Bottom of Cayuse Pass (south side) à White Pass à Naches à Chinook Pass à Cayuse Pass) (~115 miles)
July 19: Sunrise Double/Triple Climb (Turnoff to Crystal Mountain à Sunrise turnoff à climb to Sunrise à descend –> climb to Sunrise again à back to Crystal Mountain starting point) (~ 50 miles or 70 miles depending on whether we climb Sunrise two or three times)
Aug 09: Quadruple-By-Pass (Turnoff to Crystal Mountain à Cayuse Pass à Chinook Pass à back down to Cayuse Pass à down south side of Cayuse Pass à climb to Backbone Ridge à back down to base of Cayuse Pass à up Cayuse Pass à down to cars (~65 – 70 miles??)
Aug 30: Windy Ridge (Mt St Helens) (Randle à Windy Ridge à Randle)(~65 miles; ~6000’ of climbing)
Sep 20-22: North Cascades Ride (Saturday: Newhalem à Rainy Pass à Washington Pass à Mazama à Chris Fox’s house near Winthrop; Sunday: A day of riding in the Methow Valley area with Chris as our guide; Monday: Reverse Saturday’s ride back to the car’s in Newhalem)(~ 63 miles and 6500 feet of climbing each way)
** All rides are “weather permitting”; all rides scheduled on a Saturday with Sunday as a “back up”
*** Notice that “RAMROD, Cyclopath Reverse RAMROD, Hurricaine Ridge, etc. are no longer on our schedule. Also, there are fewer rides. Our goal this year was 70 – 100 mile rides concentrated more in the mountains (with the option of some cyclocross rides in the mountains thrown in on weekends when there is no official ride).