April 23: Carbon River Entrance to Mt. Rainier (Orting --> South Prairie --> Wilkeson Carbonado --> Carbon River Entrance --> back) (~50 miles round trip)
May 07: Narrows Bridge – Gig Harbor – Kitsap Ride (~40-50 miles; 4000’ to 5000’ of climbing)
June 04: Skate Creek Loop Ride (start area just east of Ashford --> Nisqually Entrance to Mt Rainier --> Paradise --> Box Canyon --> Backbone Ridge --> Ohanapecosh --> Packwood --> Skate Creek Road --> back to where we started) (~80 miles; 6,000’ climbing)
June 25: Sunrise Triple/Quad(??) (start at base of climb to Sunrise Visitor Center --> climb to Sunrise --> descend --> climb to Sunrise --> descend --> climb to Sunrise --> descend --> optional: 4th climb to Sunrise --> descend (3x = 60 miles, 7200’ of climbing; 4x = 80 miles, 9600’ of climbing)
July 10: Gravel Ride: Dwaine leader (**Note: this ride is on a Sunday**) (John Wayne Trail up through Snoqualmie Tunnel)
July 28: RAMROD
July 30: Alternate Ride (To be determined - for those of us who did not get into RAMROD)
Aug 16: “Rainiering” Ride (**Note: this is a Tuesday – to minimize traffic issues**) (start at Grove of the Patriarchs --> climb to Backbone Ridge and on up to Paradise --> descend to Cougar Rock Campground (near Longmire) --> climb back up to Reflection Lake and retrace our path to the vehicles (restock at vehicles) --> climb south side of Cayuse Pass --> from the top of Cayuse Pass, climb to Chinook Pass --> descend back down Chinook Pass and down the north side of Cayuse Pass to Sunrise turnoff --> climb to Sunrise Visitor Center --> descend from Sunrise and climb north side of Cayuse Pass --> from top of Cayuse Pass, climb to Chinook Pass once again --> descend back down Chinook Pass and down the south side of Cayuse Pass back to vehicles (restock at vehicles) --> do an extra climb on Backbone Ridge to make sure that we reach our “climbing goal”) (~135 miles; 14,411’ of climbing)
** I will try to send out a “reminder” eight days in advance of each ride. Please respond at least a week or so ahead of the ride if you are interested in going, so that I can determine how many of you might be riding. **