2024 Ride Schedule



March 30:      Carbon River Entrance to Mt. Rainier (Puyallup --> Orting --> South Prairie --> Wilkeson --> Carbonado --> Carbon River Entrance --> back) (~63 miles round trip)  


April 20:   Tom B’s Loop Ride (Sumner --> South Prairie --> Buckley --> Mud Mountain Dam --> Enumclaw --> Black Diamond --> Auburn à Sumner)(75 miles, 2300’ of climbing)


May 4:             Kitsap Peninsula Ride (route to be determined – usually 50-60 miles with ~5,000’ of climbing)


June 8:     Skate Creek Loop (start just east of Ashford --> Nisqually Entrance to Mt. Rainier --> Paradise Visitor Center --> Stevens Canyon Road --> Backbone Ridge --> Ohanapecosh --> Hwy 12 to Packwood --> Skate Creek Road back to starting point)

(~80 miles, 6800’ of climbing)(route map)


June 22:   Sunrise Climb Repeats Ride (start at base of 10 mile climb to Sunrise Visitor Center --> climb to Sunrise --> descend --> climb to Sunrise --> descend --> climb to Sunrise --> descend  (optional: 4th climb to Sunrise --> descend) (3x = 60 miles, 7200’ of climbing;  4x = 80 miles, 9600’ of climbing)


July 13:    STP (this is not a Cyclopath ride, but it is listed because some of our group will be doing it)


July 27:    Windy Ridge Ride (Mt. Saint Helens – east side) (Randle --> Hwy 25 --> Hwy 99 --> Windy Ridge Lookout à retrace our steps back to vehicles)(71.5 miles, 6,750’ of climbing)


August 10:    Ohanapecosh Ride (start at Grove of the Patriarchs parking lot --> climb  south side of Cayuse Pass --> climb both sides of Chinook Pass --> return to vehicles to restock --> White Pass and back to vehicles)(85 miles, 9,500’ of climbing)

September 4:  RAMROD


September:  Passport-2-Pain (Vashon Island)(cost - $80,  80 miles,  10,000’ of climbing) 


Rainiering Ride